In the event you need to produce a printed courier report you can do so with this feature.
You may wish to produce a courier report for example when a third party courier is collecting your shipments and you would like a signed report confirming the collection.
Note: This is an optional process, your shipments are always manifested electronically as soon as the shipment label is created in DHL Express Commerce.
1. Generating a Manifest / Courier Report | Method 1
- In DHL Express Commerce > Orders > Printed tab
- Select the shipments you wish to add to the report.
- From the top menu bar, click Manifest
- Click Manifest Selected.
- Click Dispatch on the popup box
- A PDF Courier Report is created and downloaded for printing.
2. Generating a Manifest / Courier Report | Method 2
- In DHL Express Commerce from the left navigation bar > Manifests
- Click New Manifest
- Enter or Scan your tracking numbers into the dialog box that you would like to create a manifest for.
- Click Dispatch Items
- A PDF Courier Report is created and downloaded for printing.
3. Reprinting an already created Manifest / Courier Report
- In DHL Express Commerce from the left navigation bar > Manifests
- A list of all previously created manifests is shown
- For the courier report you wish to reprint, click Download Report.
- The PDF courier report is downloaded for printing.