This article outlines how to integrate your BigCommerce platform with DHL Express Commerce. Once completed, your order will be imported into DHL Express Commerce and the tracking information will be written back when you print a label.
1. Create an API user in BigCommerce
- Before you can integrate with BigCommerce, create a user API account for BigCommerce. Ensure you select V2/V3 API tokenwhen creating the API account.
Set the OAuth Scopes as below:
- Content: modify
- Checkout Content: modify
- Customers: modify
- Customers Login: login
- Information & Settings: modify
- Marketing: modify
- Orders: modify
- Order Transactions: modify
- Products: modify
- Themes: modify
- Carts: modify
To add BigCommerce to your DHL Express Commerce account, you will need to take note of the API Path, Client ID and Access Token supplied by BigCommerce.
2. Copy the API information into DHL Express Commerce
Once you have generated the API credentials from BigCommerce, you need to enter your credentials in the DHL Express Commerce settings pages.
- In DHL Express Commerce , go to Settings > Integrations > Add New > BigCommerce
- Choose a name that will help you to differentiate this store from your other BigCommerce stores
- Leave the Username field empty; it is not used by the integration that you are performing
- Complete API Path (Please note the API Path should follow this format "stores/XXXXX"),
- Complete Client ID, Access Token with the information from BigCommerce.
- Save
3. Advanced settings
You can select the status of the orders you wish to import using the following BigCommerce order status codes:
- Status 9 = Awaiting Shipment
- Status 11 = Awaiting Fulfillment
- Status 2 = Shipped [For Update Order]
- Status 10 = Completed [For Update Order]
See the entire list of order status codes.
4. Import your orders
- Click the Shipments tab at the top of the page in DHL Express Commerce.
- Once you are on the Shipments page, click the Import button, and select BigCommerce and the number of days you wish to import.
- Click Import at the bottom right.
- After a brief load time, the number of imported orders will be displayed.
- Click Close and your shipping page will reload with the newly imported orders.
5. Importing HScode, colour or size
DHL Express Commerce will import the product options with the following display names:
- Size
- HS Code
- Color or Colour